Frequently Asked Questions

Where is First United Methodist Church located?

FUMC is located in Magnolia, Arkansas about 20 miles from the Arkansas-Louisiana border. We are located on the corner of Main Street and Vine Street. Our address is 320 West Main Street, Magnolia, AR 71753

What time is Worship?

We currently join together for Sunday worship at 10:15 am in the sanctuary.

Times for other studies, meetings, and special events are listed on the church Calendar page. 

Services are also broadcast on cable television and the radio.


12pm on Sunday

7pm on Wednesday (previous Sunday's service)


12pm on Sunday

What should I wear?

You will see people wearing anything from slacks to blue jeans to sweatpants at FUMC. We want you to feel comfortable to worship with us in whatever you choose to wear!

Where should I park?

There is plenty of parking. Visitor parking is available in the main parking lot along the east side of the church. Handicapped parking is located on Main Street. Additional parking is available on the west side of the sanctuary in the Dollar General parking lot. 

What is offered for my kids?

At FUMC we believe that children are an important and vital part of worship. Children have their own worship bulletins with activities, questions, and important kid announcements. Non-readers may also use symbols in the children's worship bulletins to follow along with the order of the service. Each Sunday during Sunday School and Worship nursery care is available.

Kind and inviting teachers and Sunday School classes are always welcome for you to come and join, with classes for children and youth classes in the basement for teens.

Who is FUMC affiliated with?

First United Methodist Church is affiliated with the United Methodist Church.

Click here for more information about what the United Methodist Church is and what we believe.